5 Gargantuan Garlic Facts!
There’s a reason why our unofficial motto “Bring on the Garlic!” has become a popular saying at Pasta Pantry. Without this small but powerful seasoning, our foods just wouldn’t be the same. We at Pasta Pantry believe Edmonton & Sherwood Park restaurant goers deserve real foods that are packed with mouthfuls of Italian flavours; thanks to garlic, no meal will be bland ever again. Whether you’re looking to improve your nutrition or just want to learn more about this cooking staple, these 5 facts are sure to turn you into a garlic fanatic!
1) While many people know garlic for it’s ability to give foods a particular punch, it can also be used as a supplement (now you’ll never have to carry a few cloves with you). Also, allicin, the compound that leads to a whole host of health benefits including boosting your immune system and decreasing the chance of colds, can only be released if the garlic is crushed. To get the most of of garlic, try using a garlic press or a paste.
2) Peeling a bunch of bulbs but you don’t want to make a mess in the kitchen? Using two big bowls, you’ll be able to peel enough garlic to satisfy even the largest Italian feast. Follow this short video and you’ll never have to deal with garlic smelling hands ever again!
3) We all know garlic is the best way to stay safe against vampires, but it also can be used to repel pests like mosquitoes and fleas. Eating a large amount of this pungent food causes the pores of your skin to release a natural chemical that keeps those insects away. If you’re always getting bit during bug season, a few extra cloves is all it takes to keep them away.
4) If you happen to fall victim to a case of garlic hands, there are some ways you can get rid of the smell. Either get a little bit of salt, baking soda, or toothpaste and apply them to your hands before rinsing them with water, or rub your hands alongside a stainless steel utensil while washing them with water. This should get rid of the smell in no time!
5) If you’re a garlic lover in Ontario, you might want to visit the Toronto Garlic Festival. According to the festival’s founder, Peter McClusky, 5,000 people attended the first event in 2011 and it’s grown rapidly over the years. The Garlic Festival celebrates Ontario’s garlic harvest through the buying, selling and cooking of the now famous item.
Let us know which one of these garlic facts you enjoyed the post on Facebook and Twitter!. Also, make sure you stop by for a delicious lunch or dinner when you’re in in the Sherwood Park or Edmonton area. We’ll even add an extra clove if you ask nicely!