Vote Pasta Pantry in the Tomato Top 100!
What delicious foods have you had in 2015? It might sound like a strange question, but there is a reason why we’re interested in your answer: The Tomato Top 100 is back! As the go-to source for the world of food and drink in the Edmonton area, The Tomato has been a handy guide for people who want to try something new. But this list isn’t exclusive to just restaurants. The magazine/website also asks readers to vote on everything from fresh foods available at farmer’s markets to classy cocktails.
Although we’ve had many people throughout Edmonton and Sherwood Park stop by our trattoria over the years, we would love to continue growing our family business. Word of mouth has always been a crucial part of the restaurant world. With your support, we can show even more what we have to offer. If you’re a fan of our mouthwatering foods at Pasta Pantry, one of the easiest ways you can help us spread the word is by voting for Pasta Pantry in the Tomato Top 100.
Whether you’re a fan of our signature dish, the Pasta Pantry Pasticcio, or you can’t get enough of our Caesar salad, we encourage you to vote for your favourite foods in The Tomato’s Top 100. Besides making the most delicious Italian foods for our patrons, we’re proud to be in a position to support other local businesses and events in the community. 2015 had us teaming up with FC Edmonton and the Ronald McDonald House for their Goals That Give program and alongside a number of other eateries for the 3rd annual Cravings in Sherwood Park in 2015; this year, we plan on being involved with even more community-related activities! Your votes have the potential to introduce people to Pasta Pantry and provide them with another option for eating real fresh foods at a locally owned restaurant.
To vote for the Tomato Top 100, please visit this link and fill out the appropriate sections. Once you’ve voted, let us know via Facebook and Twitter. You have until the January 29th to vote for your favourite places to grab a bite or have a drink. We appreciate your support and we hope to see you soon at Pasta Pantry!